Proficiency/Mastery Based Scoring -- Books and Articles

Want to learn more about Proficiency Based Scoring and Reporting? The books and articles below are a great place to start! 

 SmartEd Systems has no financial connection to these authors. We just really like these books!

Repair Kit for Grading
The Perfect Assessment System
Fair Isn't Always Equal
Grading for Equity
Mastery Learning
Rethinking Grading
Using Grading to Support Student Learning

Some articles below may require a login to access

By Alyson Klein, Education Week, November 05, 2024  6 min Read

It's Time to Stop Averaging Grades

Rick Wormeli breaks it down in this article for AMLE. A must-read.

How Grading Reform Changed Our School

"We decided that the consequence for not doing the work should be—doing the work"

Equity Through Grading: Transforming the Learning Currency

Katherine Holden and Steve Retzlaff describe the transformation at their school.

Do Students Need a Bill of Assessment Rights?

From  Phi Delta Kappan (vo. 96, no 2, 67-72)

Five Obstacles to Grading Reform

A classic from Guskey and ASCD

Is Standards Based Grading Effective?

Great overview of SBG from the journal Theory to Practice

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